Equip Young Couples for a Happy Marriage

Before exchanging vows on their wedding day, couples will be required to complete 12 quizzes and openly discuss their views on married life. This process serves as a valuable opportunity for them to strengthen their relationship and prepare for the journey ahead together. By engaging in these discussions and assessments, they can gain a deeper understanding of each other’s values, expectations, and goals, setting a solid foundation for a successful marriage.

These quizzes and conversations also provide a chance to address any potential conflicts or concerns early on, allowing the couple to work through them and establish effective communication skills. Thus, this pre-wedding preparation is not just a requirement but an essential step towards building a strong and lasting bond between two individuals venturing on a lifelong journey together as partners in marriage.

Basics Of Marriage
Basics of Marriage

Marriage is a commitment to share a life together, sharing responsibilities, joys, and challenges. It is based on love, trust, respect, and communication.

Love In Marriage
Love In Marriage

God designed marriage to be a reflection of His unconditional love for us. Proverbs 10:12, "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." When couples choose to forgive and show love towards one another, even in difficult times, it strengthens their relationship and allows them to grow together.


Couples getting married often have certain expectations of what their marriage will be like. These expectations are formed under the influence of many factors — parents of your future spouse, values, society, books, hearsay, your own considerations, etc.

Family Legacy
Family Legacy

A stable and loving family environment may lead to a healthy and strong marriage. Our childhood experiences can affect our relationships in adulthood.

Value and Goals
Value and Goals

In a marriage, common values and goals are essential for building a strong and lasting bond between two people. Values determine how people actually live and what goals they aim to achieve.

Marriage Roles
Marriage Roles

A husband and wife have specific roles in their marriage. These roles are based on the principles of love, respect, and mutual submission. The uncertainty over the roles of husband and wife in a relationship remains the primary cause of the failure of a marriage.

Making Decisions
Making Decisions

While both partners are equal, there is a designated role for each person according to the Bible. The husband is called to be the head of the household and make important decisions for his family, while the wife is called to support and submit to her husband's leadership.


"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you" (Exodus 20:12). Even though newlyweds are no longer under our parents' authority, it is important to continue showing them love and respect. This can include seeking their advice and wisdom.


Communication has the same value for love that blood has for the life of an individual. Have you ever contemplated this? In his book “Love in Marriage,” Ed Wheat provides a radical statement: “Betrayal kills thousands of marriages and silence, tens of thousands.”


Unresolved conflicts can lead to a breakdown of communication and trust between partners. This can create feelings of resentment, anger, and frustration that can ultimately damage the relationship.


Money is one of the leading causes of conflicts and disagreements between couples. Without a shared understanding and proper management of finances, financial issues can become a major source of tension in a marriage.

Sex in Marriage
Sex in Marriage

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). This verse emphasizes the importance of sexual intimacy in marriage, as it is the ultimate expression of becoming one.

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How it Works


  1. Create an account for your church
  2. Add counselor(s) and couple(s)

Couples Work on Courses

  1. Both the groom and bride will each have their own account to independently answer the course questions.
  2. Upon completion, couples can review each other’s answers.

Counselors Review

  1. Counselors can see both partners’ answers side by side, making it easy to spot what they have in common and where they differ.
  2. They can also share feedback by leaving comments next to each person’s answers.
  3. This helps couples understand each other better and figure out areas where they can grow together.
  4. If needed, couples can arrange face-to-face meetings with the counselor to talk more about the quiz results and make plans to work on any issues.